
People with disabilities are among the most marginalized groups in the world. People with disabilities have poorer health outcomes, lower education achievements, less economic participation and higher rates of poverty than people without disabilities.

Many poor disabled people in our community having disabilities like organs disability, by-birth defects, poliomyelitis, paralysis due to stroke, spin injuries, road traffic accidents, disability due to any accident, disability due to natural disaster, etc., are referred to TARS Foundation regularly for financial assistance for their several needs. Many of such disabled people need financial assistance for running their monthly house and living expenses because they are poor, jobless and having no other means of income; whereas other disabled people need assistive devices including mobility aids, such as wheelchairs, toilet chairs, special-person-bikes, walkers, prosthetic devices, orthotic devices and hearing aids etc.

Disabled People Support

Under this program, TARS Foundation sponsors the monthly house and other living expenses of either an individual disabled person, or disabled person along with his family (wife and children) if he is the only breadwinner of his family. Until now TARS Foundation has supported several disabled persons and continues to financially assist many more poor disabled people. Our support with disabled people range from sponsoring the monthly house and living expenses along with food, education, medications etc. to providing the disabled people with the assistive devices.

Apart from regular monthly allowance in the shape of cash, TARS Foundation also distributes Monthly Ration Packages in the disabled families so that they can have enough food available in their houses.

In addition to the above, clothes are also distributed in those disabled persons and in their dependents on different occasions, including Eid. Also with the arrival of winter season, warm clothes are distributed in them.

Successful Story of a Disabled Homeless Man

During our lunchboxes distribution activity in 2016 on different roads of Peshawar in homeless people, we found a handicapped homeless man namely Muhammad Alam under a bridge. He seemed disabled by-birth and his full body was disabled including his both hands, both legs, and his speaking ability was also defected. TARS Foundation moved him to our Food Store in Gulbahar Peshawar where we temporarily provided him a shelter and started taking care of him with the support of our cooking staff. He stayed in our Food Store for about 10 months during which we provided him our best care support including clothes, foods and medications. Later on, we approached Edhi Shelter Home in Islamabad and shifted Muhammad Alam to Edhi Shelter Home in Islamabad.

Below are few videos of Muhammad Alam about how we found him and how we took care of him in our Food Store and later on how he was shifted to Edhi Shelter Home in Islamabad.

Help us so we can help many more disabled people

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