
Every human being needs to earn a living to support himself and his other dependents. The most precious gift we can give someone is to teach them how to earn and to provide them means of earning. There is a famous saying that:

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”

There are many needy people in our society who have the knowledge, skills and ability to earn by their own, but due to poverty or non-availability of investment or means of earning, they cannot stand on their own foot to start their business setup. Such people really need our support and little push up to get going with their earning.

There are three sub-sectors under this cause:

1. Cash Help for Starting Small Business
2. Fruit Cart / Rickshaw / Taxi Donation
3. Sewing Machines Donation

1. Cash Help for Starting Small Business

Under this program, TARS Foundation donates a reasonable cash amount to the needy persons to be invested in starting a small business for the purpose to begin earning for themselves and their dependents. When such a deserving person is referred to TARS Foundation for help, we thoroughly examine and verify the case for its genuineness, and upon finding the case to be genuine, we not only provide the required amount to such needy person for starting their own small business, but we also keep check on the person to make sure that they really are making good use of the charity amount given to them for the said purpose.

2. Fruit Cart / Rickshaw / Taxi Donation

TARS Foundation also occasionally donates fruit cart, rickshaw or taxi to the deserving persons to help them start earning at their own. When such a deserving person is referred to TARS Foundation for help, we thoroughly examine and verify the case for its genuineness, and upon finding the case to be genuine, we not only provide the fruit cart or rickshaw or taxi to such needy person for starting their earning from the provided item, but we also keep check on the person to make sure that they really are making good use of the item donated to them for the said purpose.

Few examples of the rickshaws and taxis donation can be found in the attached Photo Gallery.

3. Sewing Machines Donation

TARS Foundation also frequently donates and distributes free sewing machines in the deserving women, especially widows so that they can start earning while staying at homes, from those sewing machines by stitching clothes for their potential customers in their neighborhoods.

Such sewing machines are distributed either on the request of our donors who wish their charity to be utilized specifically in this noble cause, or sewing machines are also distributed by TARS Foundation’s side when many applications from the deserving women are received by us for providing them sewing machines.

Up to now TARS Foundation has distributed more than two hundreds sewing machines in the deserving women, and aim to continue the distribution of more sewing machines in the needy women.

Help us so we can help someone become self-reliant

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