Established in 2015, TARS Foundation® has become one of the most trusted and successful non-governmental, non-profit, and non-political charity organizations of KPK Province of Pakistan, registered under KPK Charity Commission Act 2019, Social Welfare Ordinance XLVI 1961 and the Societies Act XXI 1860. Since its inception, it has been providing Timely Aid and Relief Support (TARS) to thousands of needy families in Peshawar and surrounding areas.

Founded by local patron Abdul Majid Qureshi and later joined by dedicated volunteers committed to making a difference, the foundation has since supported thousands of families and individuals. All of our work is entirely funded by generous donations from people around the world, who contribute in various forms, including cash, food, clothing, shelter, medicine, sponsorship, adoption, advocacy, education, and volunteering.

The name “TARS” is derived from the abbreviation of Timely Aid & Relief Support, which is our slogan in Urdu as "بروقت امداد اور مصیبت سے نجات میں سہارا" and this word "TARS" when pronounced also depicts Urdu word “ترس”, which means to have sympathy, and compassion of helping any living creature in need.



After 2010, with the rapid growth of social media platforms, particularly Facebook, many users in Pakistan unfortunately began engaging in political debates and spreading negativity online. This trend not only led to wasted time but also diverted attention from constructive and positive activities that could benefit the country.

During this time, Mr. Abdul Majid Qureshi, an IT Specialist from Peshawar, Pakistan, who was passionate about helping the needy in his city, was already using his own salary to feed homeless people daily. He recognized the potential of social media to influence change and decided to use it as a tool to shift people’s focus from negativity to positivity. He began sharing his humanitarian efforts online, aiming to inspire others to make positive contributions to their society and country.

In a short period, Mr. Majid’s noble cause gained widespread attention on social media. People from both Pakistan and abroad, inspired by his mission, joined him in helping those in need. What started as a personal effort to feed a few homeless individuals quickly grew into a movement, thanks to the financial and voluntary support of his followers. This initiative eventually led to the founding of the well-known charity organization, TARS Foundation, which now helps thousands of people in various ways.

" The Ex-Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan praising TARS Foundation’s work during his speech in Peshawar on 13-Dec-2018 "


TARS Foundation is a multi-sectoral charity organization dedicated to providing financial aid to the most impoverished communities in Peshawar and surrounding areas. We support those struggling with poverty, facing financial difficulties in meeting basic living needs, or enduring hardships due to economic crises. By combining technology, resources, and manpower, we deliver essential aid and relief to vulnerable households, including widows, orphans, the disabled, the elderly, patients, the homeless, and all those affected by poverty.

Our work is entirely supported by donations from generous individuals worldwide. Contributions come in various forms, including cash, food, clothing, shelter, medicine, sponsorship, adoption, advocacy, education, and volunteering.

We gratefully accept all types of charity, including Zakat, Sadaqah, Fitrana, Kafarah, Lillah, and General Charity, ensuring that these donations are utilized in accordance with Islamic Shariah in the relevant sectors.

For viewing the list of the sectors we support, please visit the Our Causes link.

welcome welcome

Our Core Team Members

Abdul Majid Qureshi

Founder & President

Rizwan Ahmed

Vice President

Syed Waqar Akbar

General Secretary

Abdul Wahab Qureshi

Joint Secretary

Abdul Moin Qureshi

Finance Secretary

Muhammad Haroon Khalil

Press Secretary

Rehmatullah Meer

Office Secretary

We are having great concern about helping to improve the welfare and happiness of the needy people.


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