
The Qurbani (meaning sacrifice) is a tradition that points back to the famous story of the Prophet Ibrahim, who was commanded by Allah to sacrifice his own son as a test. However, once they had proven their willingness to obey the commands of Allah, Allah intervened and allowed Ibrahim to sacrifice an animal instead. This story is the basis of the Qurban, a ritual sacrifice of a cattle, goat, sheep or camel that takes place after the prayers of Eid ul-Adha on the 10th of the Islamic month Dhul Hijjah. Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) performed this ritual and Muslims today continue to follow his example.


TARS Collective Qurbani Project:

TARS Foundation has been performing Collective Qurbani every year since 2015 on behalf of its prestigious donors from various countries.

Our team of trained volunteers procures the best animals from the market, and keeps those animals in a neat and clean environment until Eid Day. The animals are then slaughtered on the first day of Eid. The meat is packed by our volunteers in small packets which are then distributed in the following segments of the society:

1. Deserving families registered with TARS Foundation (including widows, orphans, refugees and poor, elderly or disabled people).
2. Camps of TARS Foundation where needy people come for collecting meat packets.
3. Distributed in various poor localities by our volunteers.

How to take part in Collective Qurbani?

You can take part in our Collective Qurbani as per the below details:

1. One Whole Bull: Rs.195,000*
2. One share in a Bull: Rs.28,000*
3. One Goat: Rs.40,000*
4. One Sheep: Rs.50,000*
*These are tentative costs; actual costs on animal qurbani may vary; any amount left in Collective Qurbani is then utilized in our other noble causes.

Booking in our Collective Qurbani should be made at least two weeks prior to Eid-ul-Azha.

Visit our Donate Now page and contact us in WhatsaApp on 0092 321 9025520 for booking your share in our Collective Qurbani.

Take Part in our Collective Qurbani Project

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