
Old age is a sensitive phase; elderly people need care and comfort to lead a healthy life without worries and anxiety. Since age progresses, various medical issues happen, some of the particular known diseases usually are blood pressure, diabetes, heart failure issues, cancer, joint pains as well as kidney infections.

Elders desire a life with good health, dignity, economic independence and finally a peaceful death. Understanding their needs and concerns, will ensure their good health. However, for many people, providing care and attention to elders is not possible due to poverty. Such elders and senior citizens really need our support.

Elderly People Support

The purpose of Elderly People Support program is to provide poor elderly people everything they need in their last stage of life. Mainly, their great concerns and basic needs are to cover their medications and fulfilling the living expenses of their dependents (wife and children). TARS Foundation helps such elderly people with monthly allowance in between Rs.10,000 to Rs.20,000 depending upon family needs and number of family members, which enables them to cover their food, clothes, education, medications and other daily living expenses.

Until now TARS Foundation has sponsored several elderly people along with their families on monthly basis and continues to financially assist many more elderly people. Our support with elderly people range from bearing the living expenses to possible treatment and medications.

Apart from regular monthly allowance in the shape of cash, TARS Foundation also distributes Monthly Ration Packages in the elderly people so that they can have enough food available in their houses.

Furthermore, clothes are also distributed in those elderly people and in their dependents on different occasions, including Eid. Also with the arrival of winter season, warm clothes are distributed in them.


Support with Hardworking Elderly People on Roads

Under this program, those hardworking elderly people who run small businesses like selling vegetables and fruits or other stuff in their carts in streets and on road sides and footpaths, are occasionally helped by TARS Foundation. The support with those hardworking elderly people includes cash envelopes distribution, winter packages distribution, Eid clothes distribution and other gifts distribution.

Below are a few videos of our cash envelopes distribution, winter packages distribution and Eid clothes distribution in the hardworking elderly people on different roads of streets of Peshawar.




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