
One of the basic needs of any living creature is Food. It is said that around 9 million people die of hunger and hunger-related diseases every year; that is around 25,000 people per day. ALLAH SWT says in the Holy Quran, Surah Al-Insan, Ayat 8:

“And they give food in spite of their love for it, to the needy, the orphan, and the captive”

There are many poor people in our community who even cannot afford to buy food for themselves and their families. The main objective of the creation of TARS Foundation was to provide free food to the homeless people in our community. Alhamdulillah with the passage of time and with the support of donors, the number of beneficiary increased from hundreds to thousands.

TARS Foundation has the following Free Food Program:

1. Daily Meal Distribution
2. Monthly Ration Packages Distribution
3. Ramadan Ration Packages Distribution
4. Ramadan Iftaar Dastarkhwan


Lunch Distribution in Slum Areas of Peshawar: In our daily lunch distribution program, free cooked meal is daily distributed in 4 slums of Peshawar in around 300 to 400 people since 2016. These are those families who have migrated to Peshawar from Sindhi, Balochistan and Punjab provinces in search of jobs in Peshawar. Unfortunately, due to poverty, they are compelled to live in self-made shelters with no basic living facilities.

Dinner Distribution in Shelter Houses of Peshawar: Apart from distributing daily lunch in slums areas, TARS Foundation is also distributing daily dinner since 2017 in the two Govt. Shelter Houses in Peshawar, located on Pajjagi Road and on University Road backside of Khyber Teaching Hospital. In these two Govt. Shelter Houses, daily labors, passengers and homeless people come for staying over the nights. Daily around 300 to 400 people are served.

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Under this Food program, uncooked food items are distributed on monthly basis in around 150 to 200 poor needy families comprising of widows/orphans, patients, disabled people and families having either no or very less source of income. Each of our ration package contains around 20 food and kitchen items including Flour, Vegetable Ghee, Sugar, Saila Rice, Brown Rice, Kidney beans, chickpeas, red lentils, gram pulse, black tea, green tea, masala, facewash soap, detergent soaps, clothes washing powder, matches, salt, toothpaste, dishwashing srubber and diswashing foam. The cost on per ration package is around Rs.3,000.

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TARS Foundation has a tradition of distributing Ramadan Ration Packages every year in the destitute families of the seven provinces of KPK including Peshawar, Nowshera, Charsaddah, Chitral, Dir, Karak and Swat in a total of around 1000 to 1200 destitute families for Ramadan. Some of these families are already registered with TARS Foundation, whereas other needy families are identified through our representatives in the respective districts. In addition to those families, Ramadan Ration Packages are also distributed on roads in the poor needy labors and small vendors. Each of our ration package contain food items including Flour, Vegetable Ghee, Sugar, Saila Rice, Brown Rice, Kidney beans, chickpeas, red lentils, gram pulse, black tea, green tea, masala, vermicelli, Dates, Roh Afza and Pickles . The cost on per Ramadan Ration Package is around Rs.4,000.

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Since 2016, Alhamdulillah TARS Foundation arrange Iftaar Dastarkhwan in the blessed month of Ramadan in three districts of KPK including Peshawar, Nowshera and Chitral on public places for general public, in which thousands of people participate and break their fasts with the delicious food items that we serve. The food items include Gurh Sharbat, Roh Afza Sharbat, Dates, Fruits, Samosa, Pakorey and Charsadwaal special brown rice (Ghatey Rojey). Our Iftaar Dastarkhwan is run by our volunteer members. Not only general public are served on our Iftaar Sheet but also passengers are served in their vehicles at the time of Maghrib Adhaan.

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